Is Drug Detoxing While Pregnant Safe?

is drug detoxing while pregnancy safe

We all know that using drugs or alcohol can cause damage to the body, but what about when you are pregnant? Women who use and abuse drugs or alcohol while pregnant can not only harm the baby but can also cause harm to themselves. If someone has been using drugs or alcohol and is carrying […]

Top Benefits of Drug Detoxification

benefits of drug detoxification

After just about any drug addiction comes a drug detoxification phase to start the recovery journey. The drug detoxification phase can vary in length of time and severity, but it is typically an uncomfortable process. So, what are the top benefits of drug detoxification and where are the best detox centers in California? Let us […]

Top 7 Benefits of Quitting Drinking & Alcohol

drunk man in California

Alcohol has become a trend in enjoying celebrations, and sometimes it takes the face of addiction. Though, even a slight amount of drinking in regular order can cause harm to the human system, shown in cases. This article will give you top reasons why it is beneficial to quitting drinking Alcohol now for your mental […]

What Should I Do if My Child Needs Drug Addiction Treatment

drug addiction treatment for child

If your child has a drug addiction but is unable to quit, it’s time to have the talk. The user often won’t realize if they need help and may outright deny it. They may say something like, “I don’t have an addiction, I just drink casually,” or “I got this under control,” or “I don’t […]

Is Alcohol a Stimulant or a Depressant?

Is Alcohol a Stimulant or a Depressant

Alcohol is a very commonly used drug typically used to help increase energy levels, feel more confident, or simply have more fun. Alcohol may produce these types of feelings temporarily, but depression is also often associated with alcohol use. So, is alcohol a stimulant or a depressant? Here is to know the real effects of […]

How Long Does Suboxone Block Opiates?

How Long Does Suboxone Block Opiates

With the massive opiate crisis in today’s society, we are fortunate enough to have a substance that is used to help treat this deadly addiction, known as Suboxone. We know that Suboxone can help with addiction to drugs such as Heroin or Fentanyl, but how long does Suboxone block opiates? Here is everything to know […]

Sublocade vs Suboxone: What is the Difference Between Them?

sublocade vs suboxone

Opioid abuse and addiction affect millions of individuals throughout the world. In fact, it has been estimated that nearly 90 Americans die of an opioid overdose each day. Sublocade and Suboxone are substances created to help treat this deadly condition, known as Opioid Use Disorder. Sublocade vs Suboxone have very similar qualities, and essentially are […]

How to Detox From Alcohol and Drugs

How to Detox From Alcohol and Drugs

Detox from alcohol and drugs is unique to each individual. The effect of the detox depends on the type of drugs the person used and how long it was used. 10 Tips on how to detox from alcohol and drugs Most importantly have someone to help you through the process. If at home, you should […]

The Differences Between Detox and Rehab : Know Them Now

rehab and detox

People commonly mistake detox treatment centers with different types of rehab centers. While both drug detox and a rehab treatment center are highly advised for seeking addiction recovery, there is a difference between detox and rehab centers. Rehab centers often offer detox programs, as this is the start of addiction treatment, but the two are […]