Detox or detoxification is a process that removes drugs and alcohol from an addict’s body. Most people are able to get through this process in about a week or so. This depends on the drugs you take, how often you take them and the quantity you take them in. If you have another addiction or an underlying mental health problem, this may require you to need more time in detox as well.
During detox, your body gets rid of the alcohol and drugs in your system and clears out toxic influences in the process. You can’t skip this step, otherwise you’ll suffer intense withdrawal effects that will make it difficult to focus on individual and group therapy. While detox is an essential part of the healing process that many people dread, you don’t have to go through it ever again as long as you stay clean.
When you seek detox services at our Southern California alcohol and drug detox treatment center in Los Angeles, you can expect a high level of care and support. We monitor each and every client to ensure their symptoms are well-managed. We can’t erase the symptoms completely, but we have numerous medications and therapies that can decrease their severity.
Once you make it through the detox process in our Drug Detox Center, your body is finally rid of drugs, alcohol and other toxic substances. You can now focus on healing through counseling and alternative therapies. Most of the withdrawal effects are gone by this point as well, though it’s possible for some to stick around. Remember, your brain needs time to heal and adjust.


Withdrawal varies depending on the substance you’re abusing and how severe your addiction is. It generally occurs within a few hours from the last time you took drugs or drank alcohol. In certain cases, withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. This is why we do not recommend trying this on your own.
The safest way to stop using drugs or alcohol is at our Residential Inpatient Treatment in Los Angeles, California. During this time, you’ll be under the supervision of medical professionals who will monitor and treat your withdrawal symptoms. We know this process isn’t pleasant, but our medical staff will make your symptoms as tolerable as possible.
Some of the treatments at our Alcohol Detox Center are aimed at reducing your symptoms while others support your body’s natural healing processes. For example, your liver does a lot of good work by naturally eliminating foreign substances, waste products and other materials. Your liver also continuously works to clean your blood. B vitamins tend to be very useful in supporting your liver and helping it do its job.
Withdrawal varies depending on the substance you’re abusing and how severe your addiction is. It generally occurs within a few hours from the last time you took drugs or drank alcohol. In certain cases, withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. This is why we do not recommend trying this on your own.
The safest way to stop using drugs or alcohol is at our Residential Inpatient Treatment in Los Angeles, California. During this time, you’ll be under the supervision of medical professionals who will monitor and treat your withdrawal symptoms. We know this process isn’t pleasant, but our medical staff will make your symptoms as tolerable as possible.
Some of the treatments at our Alcohol Detox Center are aimed at reducing your symptoms while others support your body’s natural healing processes. For example, your liver does a lot of good work by naturally eliminating foreign substances, waste products and other materials. Your liver also continuously works to clean your blood. B vitamins tend to be very useful in supporting your liver and helping it do its job.
What To Expect During Drug Detox Program?
The detoxification process is different for everyone, though it does follow a similar pattern. Our Chatsworth drug detox facility is staffed with a top-notch psychiatric and medical team who provide constant care, support and supervision.
Here is a brief breakdown of what to expect from the drug detox process:
- Medical assessment. You’ll start with a medical assessment that allows us to build an accurate picture of your needs. One of our admissions specialists will gather information about you, such as your medical history and details of your drug addiction.
- As soon as the drugs or alcohol wear off, your body will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. This usually happens a few hours from your last dose or drink.
- In order to help clients cope with withdrawal symptoms, we give appropriately controlled medications. There is no single medication that stops withdrawal symptoms, but there are medications available to ease depression, anxiety, insomnia and others.

Withdrawal symptoms are different for everyone because everyone detoxes in a unique way. In fact, you can go through withdrawal two separate times and have very different experiences. Plus, withdrawal symptoms do depend on the drug you’re addicted to and the severity of your addiction.
Withdrawal can result in a number of physical and psychological symptoms.
Nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, Unpleasant dreams, Shaking or tremors, Sweating, Runny nose, Fever or chills, Increased heart rate or blood pressure, Headaches, Abdominal pain, Muscle and bone pain
- Pitiable physical coordination
- Glazed or bloodshot eyes
- Uncommon body odors
- Abrupt changes in the weight
- Constricted or dilated pupils
- Sleeping too much or having difficulty finding sleep
- Unkempt appearance
If you continue using drugs and alcohol long enough, your body will adapt and develop a tolerance. This means that you need more and more substances to get the desired effects. Obviously, this takes an immense toll on your physical health. With so much pressure on the body, it starts to succumb, bit by bit.
Typically, people notice physical symptoms first because they are more apparent than emotional or behavioral symptoms. But they are just as serious. Also, it’s likely that your senses will become numb so that you’re unaware of the harmful effects happening to your body.
Irritability, Anxiety, Agitation, Confusion, Paranoia, Depression, Mood swings, Cravings
While most of these symptoms are not life-threatening, they are undoubtedly uncomfortable. However, there are some symptoms that can be fatal, and they include seizures, delirium and hallucinations.
Some examples of behavioral and emotional symptoms of substance abuse include:
- Run-ins with the law
- Depression
- Lethargy
- Increased irritability and aggression
- Changes in personality and attitude
- Dramatic changes in priorities and habits
- No interest in family life
- Decrease in socializing
On average, the detox process takes about 7-10 days to complete. Like withdrawal symptoms, this can vary depending on how much drugs and alcohol you’ve been consuming, the severity of your symptoms and your physical and mental functioning. We will never rush you through this process – we let your body take the lead.
Following detox, you will start the meatier process of recovery – counseling. This is where you’ll learn more about your triggers and how to develop healthier coping strategies. Many of our clients have unresolved trauma that they must work through as well in order to fully heal.
At Golden Road Recovery in Los Angeles, California, we promise to team up with you and fight your addiction together. Our drug detox program will be the first step you take on your addiction recovery journey. You will safely rid your body from drugs or alcohol, which will prepare you for the next phase of treatment.
Detox gets rid of drugs and alcohol so that you can learn how to live your life drug free. Our facility provides clients with a home-like atmosphere that makes getting sober enjoyable. Reach out to us today to find out more about our detoxification program in Southern California. It’s time for you to take your life back! Call us today at 1-877-372-0536 to get started on your journey to recovery.

The detox process is different for everyone. The beginning of the detox process can be especially tricky for many clients. Unfortunately the only way out of detox is to go through it. Our California Drug Detox facility is staffed with an all star psychiatric and medical team who provide constant care, support, and supervision.
Detox and withdrawal vary depending on the substance you’re addicted to. For example, after you have taken your last dose of heroin, you may begin to experience the following withdrawal symptoms:
- Insomnia
- Runny Nose
- Muscle Aches
- Watery Eyes
- Excessive Yawning
- Irritability/Agitation
- Anxiety
- Sweating
- General Flu-like Symptoms
While none of these symptoms are life-threatening, they are undoubtedly quite uncomfortable. You are bound to feel agitated, restless, and unpleasant when these symptoms begin. This reason is why it is essential to accept medical and psychiatric help during the detoxification process.
When the detoxification process begins, some people may even experience withdrawal symptoms within the first few hours. Our team of experts will address the most urgent problems first, followed by the others until our clients achieve complete stabilization.
Detox and withdrawal vary depending on the substance you’re addicted to. For example, after you have taken your last dose of heroin, you may begin to experience the following withdrawal symptoms:
We have designed our addiction treatment program in Southern California to help victims of substance abuse. Our program aims to help you effectively detox from alcohol and drugs.
We have an expert team dedicated to detox treatment that strives to provide you efficient assistance in detoxing from drugs and alcohol, and finding your path to freedom. Our team offers top-notch supervision under their care, and our addiction treatment program in Southern California ensures that you leave as a healthy and substance-free individual.
Our biggest goal when treating addiction is helping our clients win back control over their life. We will empower you to fight against addiction and strive to be a wholesome, healthy person. We provide a safe and comfortable environment where you can detox, the first step to take when entering recovery.