How Long Does Suboxone Block Opiates?

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With the massive opiate crisis in today’s society, we are fortunate enough to have a substance that is used to help treat this deadly addiction, known as Suboxone. We know that Suboxone can help with addiction to drugs such as Heroin or Fentanyl, but how long does Suboxone block opiates? Here is everything to know about Suboxone and Opioid abuse and addiction. 

Opioid Abuse and Addiction

Opioids are a type of drug classification, also referred to as narcotics. Opioids include legal pain management drugs such as Oxycodone as well as illegal substances such as Heroin. When taken appropriately and as prescribed, these medications can be highly beneficial towards treating pain. However, Opioid abuse is extremely common due to its euphoric and addictive qualities. 

Opioid abuse and addiction affect nearly 2 million Americans and the Opioid epidemic has become a national crisis throughout the United States. Opioid use can cause a drug tolerance to develop very quickly and the user may start to believe they need the drug in order to function normally. Opioid addiction is a scary and dangerous condition that can quickly lead to an overdose and death. 

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms 

The opioid can affect the entire body and cause many changes to the brain, therefore when a person stops using these drugs, they are likely to experience uncomfortable and sometimes painful withdrawal symptoms. Common Opioid withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Increased anxiety and irritability 
  • Extreme drug cravings
  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting
  • Tremors 
  • Insomnia 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Feeling cold/ shakiness 

Many users who experience withdrawal symptoms will relapse to avoid the uncomfortable feelings. The symptoms typically last about 5 days yet in some cases, can last up to 10 days. Mental health and medical support to always be advised when quitting an Opioid addiction because the withdrawal experience can include dangerous symptoms and lead back to drug use. 

Is Suboxone Dangerous?

Suboxone is a prescription drug used to help treat addiction to Opioids. It is made of two ingredients; Buprenorphine and Naloxone. This drug combination is designed to help block the effects of other Opioids and manage drug cravings. It can also help reduce other withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and nausea. Although Suboxone can be a useful tool for addiction recovery, it still carries a risk of being addictive. 

Suboxone contains an Opioid substance yet does not produce the same intensive feelings as other Opioids, however, it is still commonly abused. Suboxone abuse can lead to drug dependency, tolerance, and overdose or death. If someone is presenting signs of an overdose, medical attention must be sought out immediately to prevent further health complications and death. 

How Suboxone Works in Addiction Recovery

Suboxone is used as a tool to help with Opioid addiction recovery. It does not necessarily treat the addiction, and in many cases, further intensive addiction treatment is needed to ensure a safe recovery. The Opioid ingredient in Suboxone, Buprenorphine helps to reduce drug cravings and other possible withdrawal symptoms. 

Suboxone is meant to be a short-term tool to help manage the withdrawal symptoms after an Opioid addiction. It is not a replacement drug to further addiction. When used appropriately, and with the support of mental health or medical professionals, Suboxone can be highly effective. 

Effectiveness of Suboxone

Suboxone has been used to help many individuals overcome their Opioid addiction. It can be an effective tool on its own but often shows greater benefits when used in combination with other addiction treatment methods such as an inpatient or outpatient program. 

How Long Does Suboxone Strip Block Opiates?

Suboxone works by blocking the effects of other Opioids and reducing drug cravings. But how long does Suboxone block Opioids? Typically, Suboxone can block the effects of opioids such as Heroin, Fentanyl, or Morphine for at least 24 hours, but can have the potential of blocking Opioids for up to 60 hours depending on the user’s weight, metabolism, and history of drug use. 

Getting Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Addiction can be a scary and isolating place, but Golden Road Recovery is here to support you throughout your addiction recovery process. If you or someone you know are battling an Opioid addiction and seeking help, contact Golden Road Recovery at (877-372-0536) to learn about your treatment options and ensure a safe recovery. 

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