Sublocade vs Suboxone: What is the Difference Between Them?

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Opioid abuse and addiction affect millions of individuals throughout the world. In fact, it has been estimated that nearly 90 Americans die of an opioid overdose each day. Sublocade and Suboxone are substances created to help treat this deadly condition, known as Opioid Use Disorder. Sublocade vs Suboxone have very similar qualities, and essentially are used for the same purpose, however, there are several differences between the two. 

What’s the difference between Suboxone and Sublocade?

How is Sublocade different from Suboxone? Is Sublocade the same as Suboxone? This is the biggest query that comes up in the mind. Both Sublocade and Suboxone act as effective tools to help treat opioid addiction. This includes addiction to drugs such as Heroin, Fentanyl, Methadone, and Morphine. Both Sublocade and Suboxone contain Buprenorphine, an Opioid that helps to minimize the withdrawal symptoms such as drug cravings. 

The three main differences between Sublocade and Suboxone include: 

  1. Sublocade contains only Buprenorphine and Suboxone contains both Buprenorphine and Naloxone. 
  2. Sublocade is an injected medication taken once a month and Suboxone is an oral tablet or film taken daily. 
  3. Sublocade must be given by a medical professional and Suboxone can be taken at home independently.

While Sublocade and Suboxone are different forms of medication, they both are used to help treat Opioid Use Disorder and with the help of a medical professional, you can determine the best choice for you and your needs. 

What is Sublocade?

What exactly is Sublocade? As mentioned, Sublocade is a medication used to help treat opioid addiction. Does sublocade have naloxone. It is made up of Buprenorphine, an Opioid used to help manage withdrawal symptoms. Sublocade is an injection that users receive once a month. This medication must be injected by a medical professional and is only given to users who have taken Suboxone for more than 7 days to ensure the medication is an appropriate and safe choice. Sublocade is meant to be used short-term to help the user through the Opioid detox and withdrawal period. 

What is Suboxone?

As we now know, Suboxone is also a medication used to help treat addiction to Opioids. It is made up of two ingredients; Buprenorphine and Naloxone. As with Sublocade, the Buprenorphine helps to ease the withdrawal symptoms while the Naloxone helps to prevent a possible Opioid overdose. This medication is either in a dissolvable film or a tablet and is given as a single dose and taken daily. Suboxone is also meant to be prescribed short-term and should only be used as a tool to help treat Opioid Use Disorder.

Sublocade vs Suboxone

So, which is better; Sublocade or Suboxone? There is no correct answer to this question, however, a medical professional can help you determine whether Sublocade or Suboxone is a better fit for you. Both medications have the potential of helping treat an Opioid addiction but are not a guaranteed treatment option. 

Sublocade is arguably more convenient as it is only injected once a month, while Suboxone is taken daily. However, both medications should be taken while the user also seeks further addiction recovery and mental health support to increase the chances of a safe recovery. If you are seeking Opioid Use Disorder help, ask your mental health or medical provider about your options and which medication might work best for you. 

Side Effects of Sublocade and Suboxone

side effects of sublocade & suboxone vs

While both Sublocade and Suboxone can be highly effective for helping treat an Opioid addiction, there are also many side effects that can occur. 

Side effects of Sublocade include: 

  • Constipation
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness 
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Excessive tiredness 

Side effects of Suboxone include all of those with Sublocade as well as the following: 

  • Stomach and back pain 
  • Blurred vision 
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Trouble focusing 
  • Numbness and pain in the mouth 
  • Irregular heartbeat 

Because both medications are only meant to be used short-term, the side effects should not act as a barrier to helping treat your addiction. It should be advised that you speak with your provider about any side effects you experience. 

Treatment with Suboxone and Sublocade

Opioid addiction can completely destroy a person’s life. With the help of Suboxone or Sublocade, you can work towards treating your addiction. If you or someone you know are battling an Opioid addiction, seek help today. Contact Golden Road Recovery (877-372-0536) to learn more about your treatment options and start your journey to recovery. 

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