How to Convince Someone to go to Rehab?

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If you have had someone in your life who suffers from addiction you know how frustrating it can be trying to convince them to seek help before they want it. People who struggle with addiction tend to act out of character, and usually don’t see their use as problematic. They are typically either in denial about their addiction, or too far into it to have a desire to change at all. No matter the reason, it is easy to feel helpless when wanting to help someone into rehab when they feel against it or like they may not need it. Therefore it is important that we are educated on the different programs and residential treatment center near me available when trying to convince some to seek the help they need. This article will tell you the top 5 tips to convince someone to go to rehab.

Express your concern to Convince Them to Go to Rehab

When trying to convince someone to go to rehab, you should approach the situation out of kindness and compassion. It is important to avoid expressing negative emotions such as anger or frustration. Using warm and understanding language will show that you care and are trying to provide help rather than pass judgement on them. Start by trying to have a conversation with the person about their drug use. Explain to them the risks they are taking and the fears you have about their well-being. Hearing the concern of a loved one and recognizing how drugs or alcohol are affecting their life (and in most cases how their use is affecting yours) may be just what they need to hear to seek help.

Top 5 Tips to Convincing Someone to Go to Rehab

  1. Understanding the situation
  2. Communicate People Effectively
  3. Talk to Somebody about it
  4. Research Type of Rehab
  5. Schedule an Intervention

Convincing Someone Through Intervention

Interventions are often necessary in convincing a loved one with addiction that they need to go to rehab. It is usually helpful to include other people in the individual’s life, such as family members or friends when having an intervention to express your concern about their addiction. Keep in mind that people are unpredictable especially when drugs and alcohol are involved. Plan accordingly and involve people you know will not upset them. The point of an intervention is to show them you care, and you know how and where they can go to get the help they need. Hopefully the harshness of the intervention will be enough to make them realize it’s time to make a change.

Unfortunately this won’t always be the case. With the unpredictable tendencies that addicts have, interventions don’t always work. In some situations, involuntary rehab or drug treatment may be the only option particularly if the person is a minor or in legal trouble.

Also Read: Using Health Insurance for Addiction Treatment!

Choosing a Right Type of Rehab Program for Them

Choosing a Type of Drug Rehab Treatment is the first step. Ask yourself if an inpatient or outpatient program is the right path for the person you are trying to help (or yourself). Although both inpatient and outpatient programs provide treatment for drugs and alcohol addiction, the services differ. Inpatient programs require individuals seeking recovery to reside at the facility 24hrs/day throughout the entire treatment process. Outpatient programs are only part time. People in outpatient programs can live on their own and live their own routine lives. Because the individual resides at the inpatient rehab center, this option tends to be more expensive than an outpatient program, but also has been proven to be more effective. Outpatient programs offer more freedom and independence, and inpatient programs are far stricter in wanting to treat the addiction.

If your loved one is battling a serious addiction to drugs or alcohol, then an inpatient rehab center is without a doubt the best option for them to achieve recovery. If the addiction isn’t as far gone, and the person is still able to live a functionable life, then an outpatient rehab center is probably the better option for them.

Convincing an Addict to Get Help at Golden Road Recovery

Once you have decided on the type of treatment, length of stay should be the next to consider. Although most Rehab Centers differ, it is typical that the length of stay is 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days. There are also long-term care options such as halfway houses or sober living facilities available for those that need the extra support after rehab. In these centers there isn’t typically an end date. There are also options of same sex living facilities. Do your research, know the needs of the person you are trying to help and then cater to them when providing options for alcohol and drug rehab center.

Alcohol and drug rehab center treatment usually starts with detoxing — the process of cleansing all the drugs from their body. Then comes counseling and group therapy. Day treatment centers also often include educational group therapy meetings where patients begin to work through their addiction and other mental health issues through talking and sharing. Most rehab centers are filled with highly trained professionals that specialize in working with addiction.

Closing Thoughts

There is no doubt that trying to convince a person to seek help in rehab is difficult, but the reward, if you are successful, is so worth it. Individuals with addiction are often not in touch with reality. Going through rehab will give them the opportunity to come back to the person they were before the drugs and alcohol took control of their lives. Start by educating yourself on the different Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers available and find what may meet the needs of the person in your life struggling with addiction. Next, have a conversation with them about their addiction, and your concern. If necessary, involve others to have an intervention. At the end of the day, it is about getting this person the help they need. Just think, it could save their life.

Nobody should have to go through addiction alone. Contact us now at 1-877-372-0536
to learn about a variety of recovery resources available to you. We are happy to help people with their path of recovery!

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